Sequentially, not simultaneouslyMdB said:You are a stronger man than me. I can't lift even one when full ...

My Top Tips for today...
Regardless of the material, your builders are going to run out sooner than you think and probably before they ask you to order more. e.g. It is possible for a carpenter to use the last screw in the box before asking you to order another 800 to finish the job.
- If you want 4 boxes of 200 screws then the Screwfix store will have 3 boxes at the length you want and you will have to buy longer or shorter to make up the difference. You will curse not ordering online, waiting the extra day and saving the petrol and hour of your life on the trip.
- You can't take all the slate off your roof and put it all back on again without needing to buy some more - no matter what your builders say and no matter how often you check with them there won't be enough (I appreciate that this is obvious in retrospect).
Anyone know a good source for 260, 24"x12" welsh slates in East Anglia - no one seems to have any in stock?