Nemesis said:I have to admit to having probs getting my head round this.
Can I rig my old bike up to a generator and claim that money too? How about the hamster wheel?
If you can prove the power output of your renewable power generation you can get Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs) which have a value to someone attempting to meet their quota of renewable generation. They buy them from you. In the case of an offgrid system - the alternative would be a fossil fueled generator - so the same rules apply as a grid connected system.Myself said:There is more demand for green electricity than can be met by the current supply Most green tarriffs are (according mostly to the Green Building Bible but others too) trading Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs) which as far as I can determine is double counting the supply.
I think this seems a bit bent in that most people buying 'green' electricty think their power is coming from wind farms when it's likely coming from a fossil/nuclear dependant buying ROCs from the wind farm owner who has already sold or used the units directly.
The point is to increase renewable generation and this is obviously going to stimulate production as you can "get paid" twice for the same power output
Good Energy also retire some of their allocation of ROCs to increase the demand for more production - which is sensible business as if everyone switched over there wouldn't be enough to go around to meet their 100% claim as well as renewable production being IMHO a "good thing".