I bet you only fell over because you were talking to your little furry friends and not watching where you were going! :lol: :lol:DJH said:Sorry Matthew.Just one last set of pussy pictures taken today shortly after I tripped over the trailing lead of the angle grinder and fell down on the side I've got the new hip so this does qualify as a Grump.
I've nearly, well almost, finished laying the new patio for herself but the specifications keep changing... :roll:
Thank goodness we don't have a censorship algorithm on the forum.DJH said:Just one last set of pussy pictures taken today shortly after I tripped over
Well, I said goodbye to my cement mixer yesterday, after nearly five years of close interaction. Mind you, I never got around to giving it/him/her a name. The list of its achievements is long; certainly buying one and selling it on was a great saving on hire costs, not to mention the hassle/cost of delivery and collection.Zebra said:Henry has left home.
Well, if you didn't know that already, TD, I'm very glad that you've now cottoned on to it.tobydog said:Clearly this forum prefers making a mess to clearing it up.
Penners said:Well, if you didn't know that already, TD, I'm very glad that you've now cottoned on to it.tobydog said:Clearly this forum prefers making a mess to clearing it up.
Why? What would you do twice to him?Zebra said:Why oh why is it that everything must be done twice, because the first time you faarque it up, and so, without a moment's hesitation (your instincts are honed now, after years of this stuff), you pull it out again, thinking "The folks on PP would never let me get away with that!What was I thinking?!" So, it must all be done again, in a much more time-consuming way, with materials which you had once, but gave away, thinking that you wouldn't need any more of those.
If only Henry were here........
Penners said:When Mrs P shows people my workshop, she always says, "This is where my husband makes things. Yesterday he made a mess, today he's making a noise."