No-one even has a workable plan for solution of the hypothesised problem. Small steps toward cutting carbon output a little arent going to get there. So even if you do believe in the climate catastrophe hypothesis, this isnt solving it. Sure there can be some minor agreements for political purposes, such as mandating some CFL light bulbs, but that sort of thing just doesnt tackle the claimed problem.
Maybe some of you think that this is just the first step, and that yes, almost all countries wil voluntarily revert to 3rd world economies to cut carbon emissions some day soon. Forgive me but I really dont think so. However I'm sure the window dressing will go on, its politics after all.
Maybe some of you think that this is just the first step, and that yes, almost all countries wil voluntarily revert to 3rd world economies to cut carbon emissions some day soon. Forgive me but I really dont think so. However I'm sure the window dressing will go on, its politics after all.