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Nemesis said:Yeah - from whom?

Nemesis said:Yeah - from whom?
gsport george said:Nuclear may have caused less "deaths" than "the other major players" but it has also been around for a lot less time.
We have no idea of how many extra cases of Lukemia etc it will cause.
You dont have to die to be hurt by Nuclear. I also suspect that Nuclear has the highest third party injury rate of any of the energy sources, it simply isnt provable.
We have also had some horrific "near misses" such as the lorry containing nuclear waste which travelled from Lees to Cumbria without a vital safety plug in place.... Luckily the beam of radiation emitted faced straight down, if it had faced outwards it would undoubtedly have caused a huge number of deaths and injuries.
Most of our current nuclear reactors have mysterious cracks in the cores, we continue to use them because we simply cant repair them.
These are all unexpected events that shake both what little faith I have in the industry and the cost estimates.
Nuclear has a had a "playing field" vastly tilted in it's favour, costs of things like insurance (which other energy providers have to allow for) are covered by governments (us) and not included in the cost per kWh...
Meanwhile wave power (for example) has to contend with a ridiculous level of bureaucracy that attempts to undermine the figures for their costs. Scrap iron used for ballast being costed at £4000/ton etc.... and all because the Nuclear lobby has a lot of political clout.
The issue of carbon neutrality is also by no means certain.
Nuclear has had EVERY opportunity to prove itself over the last 50 years and has done pretty poorly.
Renewables on the other hand have had virtually zero support.
wobs said:Solar, wave, and wind are all intermittent supplies, and as such are designed for a different type of supply. Nuclear, as I'm sure you'll know is designed to provide a baseload supply.
As an intermittent supply, they can only operate in conjunction with other types of generation if you want a constant affordable supply.
The total energy cost of nuclear is about the same as wind. This includes fuel production, and decommissioning. Solar actually comes out higher than wind or nuclear if you use traditional PV panels.
The idea that you can have more than 20% of your electricity from an intermittent supply is a falacy for this country. We know what we need,
gsport george said:Sure. Nuclear is the only SINGLE solution to our energy needs, but there is absolutely nothing that dictates we cant use a combination of other technologies to solve the problem in a more intelligent way.
It is also worth remembering that this is not a problem that only afflicts us here in the UK. The ENTIRE PLANET needs energy. There is no way that Nuclear Fission can be considered a realistic solution for everyone,
wheras Solar PV and other renewables do have that potential.
Nuclear Fission has HAD it's chance and failed, from promises of "electricity to cheap to meter" we have cracked cores that produce some of the most expensive energy in use... (when you factor ALL the costs in)
I won't get too involved in nuclear technology.Penners said:Lime said:much of the radioactive material we now have in the world will still be radioactive.
Lime - I've never understood why it is that radioactive fuel is regarded as "spent" when it is still highly radioactive. Why will it not still generate a chain reaction and therefore be useable as fuel?
Did you know that your compelling and brave home experiment is the exact same experiment the operators of the chernobyl reactor were performing just prior to the explosion?middi said:Some of the posts on this tread make for quite intelligent reading, I feell compelled to contribute.
As to nuclear physics and its reaction with the relevant isotopes in order to bring about a controlled reaction, this can be easily created in a simple home experiment , albeit the reaction is extremely difficult to control and the spent fuel can be just as devastating to the ozone and the wellfare of the planet.
Curry, chips, raw eggs, beans, chillies and a generous amount of alcohol has to be consumed at one meal sitting.
rofl.NT said:Biff you need to do some reading.
Not necessarily, but if Storm and Smith say something then it probably is right.NT said:if someone says something then it must be right.