Hmm no chance that it might get a bit flatter then ? Despite a heavy sanding I can still see the place where the new ceiling meets the old ceiling.Moo said:...and it will shrink back and end up as beautifully flat as it was before you painted it.
If I'd known I'd have stripped the whole lot before they plastered and got them to skim it all again - but I was on holiday
I've just put up the two long runs down the hall - 3.5m each and one with a fairly horrid "L" to make almost exactly halfway down.
I don't know of a single job that has made me swear so loudly, profusely or viciously.
A whole tirade of abuse as one end merrily unfurled off the ceiling while I brushed the other end into the corners.
Nice creases appearing in the middle but it resolutely refusing to fold up into the corners or trim with a brand new stanley blade over a metal straight edge.
Made me feel like Frank Spencer.
At least it doesn't have a horrible embossed diamond pattern on it and (for now) the seams are flat.
More questions...
The Solvite claims it can be kept for 4 days - I assume I'm alright just putting cling film over the top of the bucket?
Also somewhat bizarrely there are no clean up instructions - I assume I can wash the brush and bucket with soapy water when I'm done - hopefully tomorrow evening?
Thanks for your continued advice and support!