Hi everybody, I am in the process of decorating our house and I tried to wallpaper the bedroom today. Easy enough you would say ? Ordinarily 'yes' but not so these walls ! Built by slate quarrymen our house is slate built with various forms of rendering throughout the house. In the bedroom in question I took off 5 layers of wallpaper. The various wallpaper designs were interesting but it was hard work. What I was left with is a white looking render with a very sandy/gritty texture, almost sandpaper like. I tried wallpapering straight on the wall, lots of bubbles resulted ! On removing the paper quite a lot of grit came off with it ! I decided to remove the paper and size the room with watered paper paste, then cover with backing paper. The results were the same. I think the render is just drawing the moisture straight out of the paste resulting in patches and bubbles. The backing paper has also been removed now and I'm scratching my head for a next move ? 'I'll ask the guys' I told the wife, so here I am guys, wotcha think ? Is sealing the wall going to be fruitless ? any ideas ?