do the study ,drawingroom,halls stairs and landing , library , my bedroom and ensuite, bathroom and maybe the kitchen if i am lucky......some list huh but miracles do happen!
Seal the lovely stone floor i unearthed when i was ripping my downstairs loo to bits!
Grow some veg in my veg plot and get the rest of the garden sorted....
find time for shoe shopping (womans gotta have shoes!!)
Reserve to keep my cool with the CO when he visits and vetos everything i ask for :? ....
Try to be patient
Not kill anyone
Drink more vino!
oh ... and when my husband and kids drive me up the wall smile sweetly and plot my revenge! hehe xx
Seal the lovely stone floor i unearthed when i was ripping my downstairs loo to bits!
Grow some veg in my veg plot and get the rest of the garden sorted....
find time for shoe shopping (womans gotta have shoes!!)
Reserve to keep my cool with the CO when he visits and vetos everything i ask for :? ....
Try to be patient
Not kill anyone
Drink more vino!
oh ... and when my husband and kids drive me up the wall smile sweetly and plot my revenge! hehe xx