My ceilings started raining lastnight, an interesting experience I must say... Luckily I was at home, asleep in front of the t.v- the noise eventually woke me up, and so I was able to isolate the mains water pipe before too much damage had been done, and switch off the fuse to the lighting circuit (the lights were dripping & fizzing...). Lots of soggy carpets and a few very wet books- but could have been much much worse...
I have a cold water storage tank in the loft, which is absolutely where the water was coming from. I'm without a ladder at home at the moment, therefore I cant get up there to have a look, so I was just wondering what the likely causes of the leak are going to be? Given the cold weather at mo Im assuming its likely a burst pipe (its a copper mains), or are there a whole host of other problems that can occur with cold water tanks in the loft?
A few years ago we had a new copper feed plumbed up to the tank, but ive no idea of how well the pipe was lagged, or whether the tank itself is insulated. Have never had any trouble like this before, as far as I know I think its a fairly old tank and ballcock up there.
Well sorry to be boring, but just to add, if you have access then its worth checking your pipes and the lagging etc in any uninsulated parts of your home. I never have, but feel Ive now learnt my lesson... Luckily I was at home, but even just 30 mins of the leak produced masses of water and agro... Also, isolating the problem in this instance was made so much simpler because our plumber had installed those little screwdriver operated valves at suitable locations. Well worth doing if you're ever having work on pipes done.
My ceilings started raining lastnight, an interesting experience I must say... Luckily I was at home, asleep in front of the t.v- the noise eventually woke me up, and so I was able to isolate the mains water pipe before too much damage had been done, and switch off the fuse to the lighting circuit (the lights were dripping & fizzing...). Lots of soggy carpets and a few very wet books- but could have been much much worse...
I have a cold water storage tank in the loft, which is absolutely where the water was coming from. I'm without a ladder at home at the moment, therefore I cant get up there to have a look, so I was just wondering what the likely causes of the leak are going to be? Given the cold weather at mo Im assuming its likely a burst pipe (its a copper mains), or are there a whole host of other problems that can occur with cold water tanks in the loft?
A few years ago we had a new copper feed plumbed up to the tank, but ive no idea of how well the pipe was lagged, or whether the tank itself is insulated. Have never had any trouble like this before, as far as I know I think its a fairly old tank and ballcock up there.
Well sorry to be boring, but just to add, if you have access then its worth checking your pipes and the lagging etc in any uninsulated parts of your home. I never have, but feel Ive now learnt my lesson... Luckily I was at home, but even just 30 mins of the leak produced masses of water and agro... Also, isolating the problem in this instance was made so much simpler because our plumber had installed those little screwdriver operated valves at suitable locations. Well worth doing if you're ever having work on pipes done.