Old news - it has been possible to figure out what TV programme you are watching from your smart meter data for over a decade:If eBay can work out my lifestyle just from a few purchases and then target me with offers, not just for repeats but similat things that might tempt me, then I'm sure a really smart electricity meter could very easily do a better job with better data.
I obviously have a washing machine, because it would spot the canny way I set it to come on at night, and see from the rhythym of the current drawn over the cycle that it is an older model, not very efficient. How long before it sells the data to an advertiser and I start getting pestered by ads for new super-efficient washing mchines?
Just like the machines hospitals use for tracing heart patterns, so know which valve is missing a beat or not communicating properly with which other valve.
Mark my words, there's a whole new field of serveilance and detective analysis of domestic electricty use patterns ready to happen. Not to mention criminal use. I bet it's easy to spot when a house is unoccupied, what sort of electrical devices they have, when to break in, what to nick, what sort of EV to pinch, etc.
You heard it here first!

Researchers claim smart meters can reveal TV viewing habits | Smart Energy International
Münster, Germany --- (METERING.COM) --- September 21, 2011 - A group of researchers at the Münster University of Applied Sciences have claimed that it is possible to use the electricity usage data from a smart electricity meter to determine which programs a consumer is watching on a standard TV...