Try buying oil, gold, copper, coffee etc in large quantities in anything apart from US $.NT said:Is US considering converting to euros? Is EU converting to $? Neither is or has any interest in doing so.
Big business works in US$ and this has a knock on pressure onto smaller companies. When I buy a few thousand pounds of electronics from Taiwan, the price is in US$.
I personally don't think there will ever be a global currency before there is a global political union which I can't see happening for a while yet

Also, the US is finally converting over to metric in engineering. NASA announced recently that they were changing over and I recon I get around 50% of Americans sending me emails in metric now when it used to be around 100% imperial.
Also, my dad's old ruler is only in inches, most now come with both units but many (including the freebie I was given) are only in metric. This percentage will only increase and once it is no longer possible to buy measuring equipment in imperial, its use will die out too.