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Allegations of child abuse. In some cases unprovable because the the alleged perps are dead.Pford75 said:the current overblown fuss over the BBC...
Really? You think that turning a blind eye to child abuse is overblown?
What bothers me about the Beeb is its prediliction for shooting itself in the feet by blowing up every little error, and endlessly harping on about it.
Easier than intelligent journalism, I guess. Did the Jonathon Dross episode really merit all that angst?
More so I am bothered by the BBC's left-wing bias.
Look at its comedy output .... How many right-wing comedians? Ian Hislop, and errrmm...
Also, look at the topics it covers, and doesn't; Overpopulation - the most pressing topic of the age, especially as England is the third-most crowded country in the world - not a word. The rate of childbirth of immigrants compared to the settled population - not a peep. The Govt figures appeared on the website, didn't hear a word on the radio.
But endless unbalanced bashing of the utility companies, and hand-wringing about the 'disadvantaged'.
And, da capo, as a commentator said when discussing McAlpine, would Newsnight have leapt so gleefully on this baseless allegation if he had been a Labour supporter?
I should say I only listen to The Home and Third programmes, and only watch BBC 1 & 2, and that not since January as I haven't reconnected the telly yet since we moved. Perhaps other BBC channels have a balancing bias to the right, but I suspect not as the Beeb has become institutionally leftie, and like employs like, so it is and will be self-sustaining.
My views are of course completely unbiased. Right-wing?? Moi???
PS this post is a good example of why this forum is so very wise in keeping well away from political and social topics :shock: