Necesseties such as bus stops receive very little consultation time at council level, especially if a safety issue has been identified action can be taken quite swiftly The parish council usually have a say as to what is appropriate and like all other issues at parish council level they are only there to voice an opinion as to what is in the best interest of the parishioners, they have no legal " clout" on planning matters.
This forms the basis of what is mutually understood as"value and best practice".
It is possible that in this instance the parish was never consulted as there is no minutes . Maybe a quick action had to be taken in the interest of safety, in which case the" value and best practice " policy was exersised without consultation --- Very common to do so----
If you want to prove that they have made a bad mistake, once again, you may need all the luck you can get.
This forms the basis of what is mutually understood as"value and best practice".
It is possible that in this instance the parish was never consulted as there is no minutes . Maybe a quick action had to be taken in the interest of safety, in which case the" value and best practice " policy was exersised without consultation --- Very common to do so----
If you want to prove that they have made a bad mistake, once again, you may need all the luck you can get.