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Click on the 'Share your stories' part for past posts about the prog.
Obscure or what!
The owners of the house in question have been posting (there are two pages of posts) and so has a certain Gervase - who keeps pointing people in PPUK's direction...
What a very sad story. I reckon that sort of thing must often happen as a sort of knee-jerk reaction when the authorities have caused and/or allowed huge chunks of heritage to disappear, realise too late what they've done, and go over the top with the few shards that are left.
re the hotel - were you unable to detect our doorbell? It's on the left hand side of the porch as you face the door. I bet we charge less than they do over the road for a cup of coffee. Opinions about the development should, I think, be shared in a private place. The number forty four springs to mind....
I *was* sworn to secrecy, but - entre nous - the pogramme involving Mandy is not a happy saga.
From what I've been told, very little work was done on the property - which is in Scotland - during the nine months the BBC were visiting and the experts were tearing their hair out at the prospect of its condition actually deteriorating during the filming.
Strong words were certainly exchanged with the owners - hence the rather frosty relationship with the produciton team implict in Mandy's message on the BBC board.
The episode was scheduled to be broadcast last week, but it was hastily pulled and replaced by the Essex project. Whether or not it will eventually make it to air...
Ah, just spotted that it's on this Thursday as the last project in the series.
The final programme, on December 22, will be a series of inane Q&As with all the people featured, so get ready to hurl things at the screen again (and I'm willing to wager that they'll have cut all my rants about the fact that it ought to be easier to adopt a child or a puppy than to take on a period building!).
Former house now shops. Late C17 street range altered and refaced in C19.
C18 rear additions. Rendered. Pantile roof. 2 storeys. 7 first floor windows.
Two off-centre doors, that on the right with moulded surround and flat hood
on consoles. Shopfront to left side with central recessed door and Adam motif
in top lights. Casement window between doors with similar Adam toplight. Sash
windows with glazing bars in simple reveals throughout. Plain ironwork balcony
to the 4 left-hand windows. Parapet. 4 gabled dormers with sash windows. Fine
C18 panelling and fireplace surround at first floor rear.
Sorry, I didn't dare ring, far too grand for the likes of me. Maybe next weekend (when I'll be massively stressed by Christmas shopping)
Yes, that's us - or, at least, the bit to the right. We do have a rather nice doorcase, and the panelled room, but grand we certainly ain't.
Do, please, drop in when you're Christmas shopping and you shall have coffee, gossip and the tour (if I've made the beds, that is).
Are you the Gareth Hughes who lives in Magpie Road? (see - I've been snooping as well).
Oh, I think it's only fair as Moo's given herself away so completely. And anyone with half a brain can get hold of me (it didn't take even *you* more than an hour Evelyn, as I recall - and at work too p ), I'm not exactly internet and phone book anonymous.
Good news indeed - wasn't that a Building of the Month? I seem to recall posting here about it. I have the picture in front of me (it's in Damned Beautiful, the 2005 BaR book).
Found a buyer?
Sad about the hall - once lovely, but rather too far gone to be repaired I presume. Contamination would be expensive to clean up.
Horsford Mill found a buyer - I'm slightly miffed that it wasn't me but he seems enthusiastic, willing to listen to advice, and has made a start on stitching cracks and had an engineer round to advise on underpinning.
Hainford Hall, we're hoping there'll be a solution, (though it'll be a heavy compromise) but the listed building is a minor aspect of the site's problems. Can't really say more at this stage.
Pleased about the mill then - I'll pass that on to Ela at S*VE. One more off the BaRR! Plenty of course to go on...
I've just had news from friends in Andrew's neck of the woods about a proposed conversion of another mill which seems at last to have met with approval (the previous applications were dire and I said so - I still seem to be on their Christmas card list though!). Would have been better left alone possibly, but there you go.
The hall I'd be interested in when and if you can tell me.