To simplify matters you could nail another lot of plasterboard over the existing and then replaster?.
I also notice ( if I interpreted it correctly from the pictures) that the older part of the rafter ceiling is also a later addition, the "scantly built" collars have been "spiked" (nailed) against the face of the rafters. This was only common in the 18th 19th century. As you mentioned that the wall plates and end collars are of substantial construction one has to think that the building was converted from it's original intended use ( perhaps no means of heat or smoke = no soot), perhaps only one or two central collar dovetailed clasped and pegged to the pair of rafters in the centre of the room above the rafter purling were fitted . Look for evidence.
I also notice ( if I interpreted it correctly from the pictures) that the older part of the rafter ceiling is also a later addition, the "scantly built" collars have been "spiked" (nailed) against the face of the rafters. This was only common in the 18th 19th century. As you mentioned that the wall plates and end collars are of substantial construction one has to think that the building was converted from it's original intended use ( perhaps no means of heat or smoke = no soot), perhaps only one or two central collar dovetailed clasped and pegged to the pair of rafters in the centre of the room above the rafter purling were fitted . Look for evidence.