I can tell you 5 rolls goes a hell of a long way - and compared to £300/ month for oil in mid winter in an uninsulated house its cheap at half the price!
Tri-iso remains dubious at the moment. Of course any material will have some effect - in fact, why not make your own from a couple of layers of foil and bubble wrap - I'll bet it will make a noticeable difference.
The purpose of the insulation layer is to prevent heat energy escaping through the building fabric. The cost of the insulation therefore has to be balanced against its efficiency. £2000, say, might sound a lot of money but it would be cheap if it saved you £750 per year. So. it's a simple calculation - cost of insulation material - amount of heat saved = payback period.
And here really lies the problem with multi foils. The manufacturers of mineral wool and the standard PIR foam stuff give you figures so that you can calculate exactly how much heat you will save for any given material. But the manufacturers of multifoils don't. They tell you how good it is, but they don't produce figures to back it up or allow a calculation.
We're in the process of vetting loft conversionpeople for our dormer loft conversion.
One lot swear by the Tri foil stuff...BUT ... They say the no-one realises that you still need standard insulation as well. When this stuff got signed off apparently it was only when used in conjunction with another form of insulation.
Thats the extent of my knowledge on this im afraid, so if anyone knows more detail about what i'm on about then please do chip in.
Also, does anyone know of any good loft design and conversion specialists who operate in the north Kent area?
I believe it's referred to as "necroposting" but only if people do it to be annoying, not if they are actually adding something related to the topic. :lol: