Old properties are easy pickings for damp and woodworm " eradication" companies, It is more or less guaranteed that these conditions exist.
The way to deal with the situation satisfactorily is, as suggested by Biff and others, to arm yourself with knowledge as to how to deal with these problems in old buildings in order that you can ask the right questions and the appropriate course of action, if any, should be taken instead of accepting the fact that companies want to pump chemicals all over the place let alone the fact that they want to charge you for it.
Your problem however may come with the mortgage company - they may try now to insist that the work is done! Don't let them get away with it...
If there is any hint of that, or any asking for a retention of some of the mortgage, post again...
Your Conservtion Officer would be highly unlikely to agree to such dreadful damage to the fabric of the building, and you would require listed building consent anyhow.
Maybe a stern talk to the estate agent concerned would be a good plan too....
on the subject of beetle attack etc.. and we have lots and lots of evidence... I was taking the 'I don't know enough about it but I do know chemical treatment is usually a con, so until I find out more I am going to do nothing about it' approach to my beetly beams
It isn't necessarily a con, Sal. just that it should only be adminestered only in situation where it is likely to preserve the type of wood is used upon and sigificantly prolong its life.
As Middi states, there are occasions when treatment for the control of ACTIVE woodworm is justified and I now for a fact that most of the Independent Surveyors (including myself) and the Consultants have recommended treatments in the past, where they are justified.
Let’s not start going down the 'ITS ALL A CON' road because its not, it’s only a CON where it isn’t needed. The problem is of course if you employ a company who do the treatments and in most cases offer free surveys then you are quite likely to get a quote for something.
I have over the past 15 months or so appeared to have been following one particular company around where their surveyor continually quotes for works that don't need doing. I quoted one on this site only the other day, where they had quoted £6,500 for damp proofing a GII Listed Cottage that had just been lime plastered and pointed, when there was actually nothing wrong with it.
I did encourage the client to report them to their Trade Association but she said 'she more or less couldn’t be bothered’, so I’m seriously thinking of doing it myself. That’s the only way you will stop this happening. People have to complain and not just on this site. Challenge the company to prove their findings if need be.
There are of course a few good companies around, but the fact is most people don’t generally want to pay for an Independent Survey of a domestic dwelling, when they can get a FREEBIE.
Despite the regularity in which damp and timber comes up on this site and continued advice is given by the regulars, in the past 18months I’ve advertised on this site (Seeking Specialists) I’ve only had two enquires and one job which saved that particular client several thousand pounds in un-necessary treatments.
I will shortly (when I can find the time) be putting up some case studies on my web site where companies had quoted for work which didn’t need doing, the only sad thing is that I can't name them!
Any where my services are required, but obviously my fees can be reflected by travel time. I generally have standard charges for particular types and sizes of properties.
A couple of weeks ago I was in Chester, tomorrow and Tuesday, I'm in London, Wednesday Gloucester. Thursday & Friday PAPERWORK!!
sorry - was not trying to be antagonistic with use of the 'con' word. to clarify I should have said 'I don't know enough about it but I do know chemical treatment may be unnecessary , so until I find out more I am going to do nothing about it'
so - this house has had beetle problems for a while - certainly the person who lived here before has done nothing for several decades.. is it reasonable to leave it alone while i information gather, or should I be leaping about trying to get something done.[/i]
If you have live woodworm I think you need to do something about it.
Woodworm only thrive in certain conditions and damp is one of them.
Reduce the damp and the woodworm problem is reduced too.
Woodworm thrive when nothing is done about them particularly in the unseen places of your house.
Improving ventilation over, in and under your house will reduce the risk of all sorts of ills.
A few holes gives character but too many can cause real problems.