I suspect the poor don't actually hop on a plane more often anyhow
With Ryanair offerring £29 European flights....it's cheaper to fly abroad than take the train into London!
The point is..that if ticket prices truly reflected the environmental costs..there would be no £29 flights....no £300 package holidays in Spain etc. That's all fine...but some people won't be able to afford the increase in prices
Why do teachers get lumped in with nurses? It's down to the Gov't definition of 'key worker'
The Government definition includes:
nurses and other NHS staff
police officers & some civilian staff in some police forces
prison service and probation staff
social workers, educational psychologists, planners (in London) and occupational therapists employed by local authorities
whole time junior fire officers and retained fire fighters (all grades)
It is widely acknowledged that key workers have a very tough time in London (can't afford to live there...can't afford to commute there)
I'm sure your Burberry is lovely....my reference is to the Burberry check cap..which itself has become an recognisable sign of poor social skills, low IQ and disregard for anyone else...you may have escaped this in your part of the UK (I hope you continue to do so)... I only wish we were so lucky

I love travelling and I love the difference my job can make. One of the projects my team was involved in was Kijabe hospital
http://www.cisco.com/web/about/ac79/emgmkt/index.html it would be a shame if we weren't able to help others less fortunate than ourselves because some people in the UK living next to an airport don't want more noise