Was going to say the same thing, very gently chip some mortar away and see if you find any slate which would indicate a DPC.Yes you may well be right, it's not something I was aware of. I would expect to see it above the airbrick though. How old is the house again, early 20th century? You could do a bit of exploring by scraping away a bit of mortar. It's easily replaced.
Air brick could have been added later in the “wrong” place, or it could have been a 1930s apprentice not quite getting the brickwork right

Peering at the air brick there might be some slate above it where someone has tried to continue the DPC up and over it. Had the same on this place where the airbricks were in the course above the slate DPC and the vertical joints and horizontal joint around the airbrick had been packed with slate to try and continue the DPC up over and back down again.
Either that or the mortar is a different colour indicating that it is a later addition.