to show the external timber frame or not to show the frame that is the question?
Our 15C (have now been told its a bit older than we orginally thought) timber frame cottage is currently covered in cement render but after a lot of work we have managed to reveal all the timbers on the inside. Our plan was to remove the render, insulate from the outside and re render in lime. It would look like a cottage on the outside but a wonderful tudor timber framed house on the inside. Most of the infills of wattles and daub on the front have been removed over the years and are simply lathe and plaster however the gap of about 100mm is probably not large enough to insulate imbetween the timbers and show them both internally and externally.
We discussed this with an local timber frame expert and agreed with him that it was probably best for the frame to be protected by a render and insulation as a first defence from the weather and therefore it was best to show them internally only.
The frame is in good order but in places where windows have been added a bit of a hotch potch of really old timbers (500 yrs) and some fairly old (1-200 yrs). It orignally had a jetty across two thirds of the front and around one side. This was removed and the lower wall pushed out a long time ago we assume for more space. We think they reused the timbers from the jetty to reform the new lower wall
Had made the decision and all was going ahead.
In walks my father today to tell me what a huge mistake I was making by not showing the frame on the outside and that I was missing a huge opportunity to make it a proper tudor house from the outside. Also we should reinstate the jetty. After my all very careful thought I am now in turmoil once again.
Any comments would be greatfully received as feel like banging my head against a wall several times..... :roll:
Our 15C (have now been told its a bit older than we orginally thought) timber frame cottage is currently covered in cement render but after a lot of work we have managed to reveal all the timbers on the inside. Our plan was to remove the render, insulate from the outside and re render in lime. It would look like a cottage on the outside but a wonderful tudor timber framed house on the inside. Most of the infills of wattles and daub on the front have been removed over the years and are simply lathe and plaster however the gap of about 100mm is probably not large enough to insulate imbetween the timbers and show them both internally and externally.
We discussed this with an local timber frame expert and agreed with him that it was probably best for the frame to be protected by a render and insulation as a first defence from the weather and therefore it was best to show them internally only.
The frame is in good order but in places where windows have been added a bit of a hotch potch of really old timbers (500 yrs) and some fairly old (1-200 yrs). It orignally had a jetty across two thirds of the front and around one side. This was removed and the lower wall pushed out a long time ago we assume for more space. We think they reused the timbers from the jetty to reform the new lower wall
Had made the decision and all was going ahead.
In walks my father today to tell me what a huge mistake I was making by not showing the frame on the outside and that I was missing a huge opportunity to make it a proper tudor house from the outside. Also we should reinstate the jetty. After my all very careful thought I am now in turmoil once again.
Any comments would be greatfully received as feel like banging my head against a wall several times..... :roll: