What a load of rubbish. If you want to remove 2 radiators, this is what you do:
Turn water off
Turn boiler off
Connect hose to bottom radiator (will have drain plug)
Open drain plug, let radiator drain
Open all other radiators at top (with rad key)
Let everything drain
Pull radiators out
Push pipes under floor
Go under floor, connect each pair of pipes with a bit of hose
Secure joints
Refill system
Job done <IMG SRC="http://www.periodproperty.co.uk/discussing/smileys/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
Even if you don't want to do that, what the plumbers are saying is a load of rubbish, sounds to me like they're just drumming up work. If they needed to change the gas, fair enough, but its only a bit of pipe.
Turn water off
Turn boiler off
Connect hose to bottom radiator (will have drain plug)
Open drain plug, let radiator drain
Open all other radiators at top (with rad key)
Let everything drain
Pull radiators out
Push pipes under floor
Go under floor, connect each pair of pipes with a bit of hose
Secure joints
Refill system
Job done <IMG SRC="http://www.periodproperty.co.uk/discussing/smileys/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
Even if you don't want to do that, what the plumbers are saying is a load of rubbish, sounds to me like they're just drumming up work. If they needed to change the gas, fair enough, but its only a bit of pipe.