On Working Lunch today they had a short piece on the Clear Skies grants and the clear skies home page has the info.
They finish on 5th March, by which time your full application has to be in. They only have £120,000 left to send out. All Solar powered grants have finished.
On April 1st the government announces new grants available.
Whereas we got a max of 33% in England, NI still get up to 50%!!!
Apparently the government say that they don't want the renewable energy to grow up dependant on grants......... What like the railways.............. Save the world with a grant or ruin it with one, which shall I choose....... ah yes big companies have more clout than individuals forgot that bit..... Anyway that's getting too political even for me <IMG SRC="http://www.periodproperty.co.uk/discussing/smileys/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
I'm now reconsidering my choice of heating.
Clear Skies
They finish on 5th March, by which time your full application has to be in. They only have £120,000 left to send out. All Solar powered grants have finished.
On April 1st the government announces new grants available.
Whereas we got a max of 33% in England, NI still get up to 50%!!!
Apparently the government say that they don't want the renewable energy to grow up dependant on grants......... What like the railways.............. Save the world with a grant or ruin it with one, which shall I choose....... ah yes big companies have more clout than individuals forgot that bit..... Anyway that's getting too political even for me <IMG SRC="http://www.periodproperty.co.uk/discussing/smileys/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
I'm now reconsidering my choice of heating.
Clear Skies