I guess we were extremely fortunate that considering it was unmortgageable when we bought it, the previous owner of our last house had at least had it re-thatched prior to sale :wink: He had also carried out extensive timber repairs, sympathetically replacing that which was unsalvageable and employing a 'belt and braces' approach to securely strap those historic timbers which could be saved. Just a pity he had the new oil-fired boiler fitted in a leaking, ramshackle outbuilding that we had to demolish soon after moving in, thus incurring a £600 bill just to decommission the boiler*
Thankfully we only needed to replace 7 out of the 21 windows, at a cost of £10k for fully painted hardwood sashes (made by a local joinery co), but the extension cost £40k (to get it to a watertight shell including glazing which was £5k+ for one window!) - double that estimated by our architect :roll: Would have been double that again (at least) had we not done the lion's share ourselves!
*that subsequently remained out of use for six months whilst we built the kitchen/utility extension :shock: