Thankyou very much for all the detailed replies, and sorry for the delay answering - been a bit tied up with work and not got online much this last week.
AMc - thanks for the tip re. air spaces for ventilation at the side of the roof, I think I would have filled those to keep it 'warmer' without thinking about the void being cold and what the insulation was doing. Wouldn't have thought of putting in walkways either but can definitely see why I should - thanks!
At the moment we don't have a loft hatch into the thatch void, just one up into the tiled roof and a (rather small) hole through the wall to the thatch. It's really nice old uneven lath and plaster ceiling so until a chunk of it collapses on us and needs replacing I think we'll probably try and live without one. The hatch into the tiled section definitely needs some draughtproofing though.
Comments re. 'not-going-up-in-flames-at-the-first-spark' for the plastic-fleece stuff are very reassuring, thanks!
Will post an update when we get somewhere with putting the insulation in
Thanks again to all,
AMc - thanks for the tip re. air spaces for ventilation at the side of the roof, I think I would have filled those to keep it 'warmer' without thinking about the void being cold and what the insulation was doing. Wouldn't have thought of putting in walkways either but can definitely see why I should - thanks!
At the moment we don't have a loft hatch into the thatch void, just one up into the tiled roof and a (rather small) hole through the wall to the thatch. It's really nice old uneven lath and plaster ceiling so until a chunk of it collapses on us and needs replacing I think we'll probably try and live without one. The hatch into the tiled section definitely needs some draughtproofing though.
Comments re. 'not-going-up-in-flames-at-the-first-spark' for the plastic-fleece stuff are very reassuring, thanks!
Will post an update when we get somewhere with putting the insulation in

Thanks again to all,