Close - (two out of three) but I don't think I'm the worms you knew (would that have been Michael at Mill Hill in London?). Unless our meeting was a long time ago in a country far far away and was a matter of sheep and grass.
Apologies - I thought the bridge comment was the other way round! I can't recall any comment asking for you to be banned either!
The Phil thing got ever more bizarre (along with some leading questions..) and you have to wonder why some people haven't anything better to do! I loved the follow up re the CHS article which another troll had apparently spent two whole days searching the net for... The DAMP thread was priceless, pity you missed much of it.
Most trolls on this site get lead astray I'm afraid. Give em enough rope etc...
I'm also afraid that at times I rather enjoy leading them on to more and more extreme posts, which end up with LOTS IN CAPITAL LETTERS...
I really love the Anon one in this thread through! A classic of the genre I feel! Well done Anon! <IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 ALT="">
However - do these people seriously think they are irritating/annoying anyone in reality? I find it amusing! I rather thought others did! (Still - I need to get a life, must remember that...). Just I think people ought to be aware of trolls and some of it has been rather nasty in the past.
When I start troll bailing it's usually cos I've got something much more important to write and it's a deferral tactic! It makes me feel I'm writing something.
I am sure most people have a static number. The site owners certainly know how to get in touch with me and who I am, and the rare occasions I use an alias it's usually because I'm being silly and it's obviously me.
It is a problem that the site is so open, but mostly it isn't abused. Friendly arguments about the merits of various limes are hardly much to get too worked up about, are they? And often what may at times look like a ding dong battle is nothing of the sort - the posters know each other and their views, and it's often no more than a bit of fun!
I hope along with the arguments, the silliness (GRIMMERS WHERE ARE YOU???) etc that most people get some answers to questions. Many people who post here have a great deal of information to impart, experience and expertise in all manner of matters.
I'm sorry to say, Evelyn, that the threads came across as Evelyn-baiting, with you rising to every worm that was dangled.
Either way, they were very tedious. So please will you give up 'troll-baiting' from now on?
Well, I enjoyed them - and certainly didn't rise without a tongue stuck firmly in my cheek - at least where insults towards me were concerned. Pretty farcical stuff in the main. If that's the way you read it that's up to you. Possibly I have an odd sense of humour then.
There was an old cove called Fisher
Who was fishing for fish in a fissure;
Then a cod with a grin
Pulled the fisherman in. . .
Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher.
thanks to those who replied about PIV. I see the debate didnt happen. I am going to the Housebuilding and renovation exhibition this wek so will see what I can dig up, obviously the info may be bias . I have looked at some independant reasearch and it seems to improve heat consumption, and is certainly recomended by those allergy and ashmatic experts. I would still be interested in veiws about it from sensible posters.
thanks gill.
Viessmann do one with a cross-flow heat exchanger. The heat recovery could be significxant, if the extract airstream was otherwise being dumped without retrieving the heat. Their products are usually very high quality & price to match. I don't know this device, but it's worth looking out for.
Also look for the US-made Lifebreath range, which I think are sold here.