I should think so too - I expect Penners will be along in a bit to point out that bratwurst doesn't have an umlaut.robgil said:Or possibly a few brätwurst or a Frankfurter or two?
Runs for cover.....
robgil said:I noted the ''for richer or poorer'', the latter isnt really a possibility is it eh? :lol:
robgil said:I noted the ''for richer or poorer'', the latter isnt really a possibility is it eh? :lol:
A bit austere, but I do quite like it.Gareth Hughes said:By all accounts, the groom's father is having this built for them (a new "period property")
Well, that's a moot point, actually. Today's word, Bratwurst is indeed umlautfrei. But it's derived from the old Hochdeutsch word, Brät (meaning chopped-up meat), which did have one.Gareth Hughes said:I expect Penners will be along in a bit to point out that bratwurst doesn't have an umlaut.
Penners said:Well, that's a moot point, actually. Today's word, Bratwurst is indeed umlautfrei. But it's derived from the old Hochdeutsch word, Brät (meaning chopped-up meat), which did have one.Gareth Hughes said:I expect Penners will be along in a bit to point out that bratwurst doesn't have an umlaut.
I do so love our learned discussions.
Gareth Hughes said:By all accounts, the groom's father is having this built for them (a new "period property")
Penners said:Well, that's a moot point, actually. Today's word, Bratwurst is indeed umlautfrei. But it's derived from the old Hochdeutsch word, Brät (meaning chopped-up meat), which did have one.Gareth Hughes said:I expect Penners will be along in a bit to point out that bratwurst doesn't have an umlaut.
I do so love our learned discussions.