I started by finding the postcode of the Church (WR15 8NW). A reverse postcode lookup then gave me the names of the properties in that postcode. The obvious one was Eastham Court. A Google image search for Eastham court wells then provided the picture.MatthewC said:Well done MdB - certainly looks like the same house. How on earth did you find that?
I suspect the answer to that is: worrying when it's yours, wonderful when it's someone else's!MdB said:I'm not sure if it is wonderful or worrying that an unidentified building with a vague hint of the area can be so quickly identified.
An excellent find MdB with lineage back to Charlemagne, but I found it first so there!MdB said:I think I can claim today's prize
Penners said:Or is it a ha-ha? Difficult to be sure, but it could be.
Moneypit said:Searching further I discover that you can even go and stay there. see http://www.robinsend.co.uk
Hey... hang on!! Nobody mentioned that there was a Kit-Kat on offer!jocelyn plummer said:we will see if Gareth wins the kit kat!