A strong wire fence across the end of their garden would keep the dogs in without spoiling the view too much.
When we moved into our last house with a pair of lurchers, the first thing we did was to erect 2m high wire fences round the perimeter. Which worked for a while, until one dog learned to dig its way out, and the other had no trouble jumping over the fence (our builder was most impressed when he saw said dog clear the fence from a standing start).
Luckily there were masses of old kerbstones lying around, so that stopped the digger, and we foiled the jumper by extending the uprights by a couple of feet and stretching wire between them.
When we moved into our last house with a pair of lurchers, the first thing we did was to erect 2m high wire fences round the perimeter. Which worked for a while, until one dog learned to dig its way out, and the other had no trouble jumping over the fence (our builder was most impressed when he saw said dog clear the fence from a standing start).
Luckily there were masses of old kerbstones lying around, so that stopped the digger, and we foiled the jumper by extending the uprights by a couple of feet and stretching wire between them.