I know my topic is not entirely apt for here but I thought I would run it past you guys anyway. I am planning to build a large shed on a piece of agricultural land attached to to my listed property curtilage.
Should be simple to get planning permission, until the woman next door, an environmental freak, objected saying was too near an oak tree, 6 years old, growing on her property. She suggested I move my shed by 5m.
The council planning officer visited and said did not see a problem but would consult her "arborist". He has now come up with the bright idea I move the shed 10m quoting BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to
design, demolition ,construction etc etc.
All this to my mind is a red herring. I would like your opinion. Am I taking the wrong stance by saying the tree is not mine, is not on my property so why should I have to be the one who gives way?
I have told planning that planting an oak tree on a boundary line is, in my opinion, stupid in the first place. There is nothing to stop me pruning this tree which now overhangs my side of the boundary. Nor
is there anything to stop me getting a digger and hypothetically doing the same to the roots.
Should be simple to get planning permission, until the woman next door, an environmental freak, objected saying was too near an oak tree, 6 years old, growing on her property. She suggested I move my shed by 5m.
The council planning officer visited and said did not see a problem but would consult her "arborist". He has now come up with the bright idea I move the shed 10m quoting BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to
design, demolition ,construction etc etc.
All this to my mind is a red herring. I would like your opinion. Am I taking the wrong stance by saying the tree is not mine, is not on my property so why should I have to be the one who gives way?
I have told planning that planting an oak tree on a boundary line is, in my opinion, stupid in the first place. There is nothing to stop me pruning this tree which now overhangs my side of the boundary. Nor
is there anything to stop me getting a digger and hypothetically doing the same to the roots.