I've just been out there to see whether it really is overlooked - really all I can see is an old storage shed and the top of the greenhouse .OK if I stood on the edge of the wall I could probably see a few pots but I ain't going to do that given that the wall is fragile! Now that the rhubarb is growing and the honeysuckles are in leaf it's really hiding the space. What annoys me most is that the stones have been stuck on the wall on top of the ivy so I can't even maintain that section of wall! Also that is just a small area of my garden that I only visit occasionally to do some gardening or go to the compost bin. I wouldn't sit up there. The whole area is really fragile - they stupidly put a greenhouse right against the wall at the end - we've repaired what we can get at but at some point I think the end of our garden is going to end up in their greenhouse....
By the way, it was the previous owners of our house who put the fence up - the neighbour told us there didn't use to be one and she didn't like the big fence cos it's blocks out so much light (effectively from that side it's like having a 9ft wall/fence cos they're lower and the fence is on top of the wall). There are other issues but I won't go into those - not that there's any danger of her ever being on this forum as she has a very liberal approach to owing a period property (delisted) ie she does what she likes and has probably never heard of planning permission/conservation area consent.
By the way, it was the previous owners of our house who put the fence up - the neighbour told us there didn't use to be one and she didn't like the big fence cos it's blocks out so much light (effectively from that side it's like having a 9ft wall/fence cos they're lower and the fence is on top of the wall). There are other issues but I won't go into those - not that there's any danger of her ever being on this forum as she has a very liberal approach to owing a period property (delisted) ie she does what she likes and has probably never heard of planning permission/conservation area consent.