Hi there
I've just stumbled upon this forum but feel it's going to be an excellent resource for us! I see there are already various posts about lime plaster but I'm wondering if anyone's able to provide any advice for our situation.
We have a pre 1850's cottage in Yorkshire. Solid wall construction (Yorkshire stone) that has been abused with cement and gypsum plaster.
Our intention is to remove the cement and gypsum plaster from the internal walls and replace with a lime based plaster product. We hope this will reduce our damp issues and flaky paint.
We got quoted in the region of £3k for 1 elevation of a room (approx 4m wide x 2.5m height, excluding door and large sash window. I'm not sure if these guys overpriced so they didn't get the job but I'm having a hard time finding anyone else who has genuine experience with lime plaster to draw a comparison. I was expecting less than a grand - is this an unrealistic expectation?!
We would be willing to do it ourselves however as novices at such things not sure if this is something we are able to do ourselves appropriately. We have questions like: 'will the window just fall out if we remove the plaster around it' and 'what tools should we use'... Of course we can read up but unsure if this may be a little ambitious.
I think what I'm asking is: is this something a novice can take on and complete properly (with appropriate research), or is this best left to the professionals?
We were thinking we could remove and put on the first layer, then leave the top skim to a regular plasterer. Any thoughts/opinions/advice or resources would be very welcome!
Many thanks!

I've just stumbled upon this forum but feel it's going to be an excellent resource for us! I see there are already various posts about lime plaster but I'm wondering if anyone's able to provide any advice for our situation.
We have a pre 1850's cottage in Yorkshire. Solid wall construction (Yorkshire stone) that has been abused with cement and gypsum plaster.
Our intention is to remove the cement and gypsum plaster from the internal walls and replace with a lime based plaster product. We hope this will reduce our damp issues and flaky paint.
We got quoted in the region of £3k for 1 elevation of a room (approx 4m wide x 2.5m height, excluding door and large sash window. I'm not sure if these guys overpriced so they didn't get the job but I'm having a hard time finding anyone else who has genuine experience with lime plaster to draw a comparison. I was expecting less than a grand - is this an unrealistic expectation?!
We would be willing to do it ourselves however as novices at such things not sure if this is something we are able to do ourselves appropriately. We have questions like: 'will the window just fall out if we remove the plaster around it' and 'what tools should we use'... Of course we can read up but unsure if this may be a little ambitious.
I think what I'm asking is: is this something a novice can take on and complete properly (with appropriate research), or is this best left to the professionals?
We were thinking we could remove and put on the first layer, then leave the top skim to a regular plasterer. Any thoughts/opinions/advice or resources would be very welcome!
Many thanks!