So things have taken a bit of a turn here - the job hubby was promised has fallen through and although he is looking for another finances have taken a hit. We have enough but not masses left over and so some plans have changed. Rather than dig up the perfectly adequate floor in the living room and replace it with lime crete we are keeping what is there. It's not prefect but it is functioning and the room is dry and warm. We have quarry tiles laid in the eighties on top of concrete which is on top of a lot of heavily compacted gravel and it is very dry under there. Even in this wet county and time of year. So the idea now is to lift the quarries [a, I don't like them in the living room and b, they aren't in great condition and have been laid oddly ad look weird; I appreciate we 'could' leave them down but we have decided not to.]
So, how do I lay flags on top of this concrete? Can I/should I use lime or is that silly? And if so how? Flags are 20mm thick so how think would the lime ?mortar? need to be? Mix it up with 3.5 NHL and sand? Ratios? etc. How big a gap do I leave between the flags? I've seen some pics with seeming huge gaps and some with very little. Which is preferable? The floor is a tad uneven - self levelling compound or level it with the lime? Also tile adhesive? Necessary? We are looking at electric UFH just to use to take the chill off the flags not to heat the room [keeping the main system].
[basically my idea of using lime is that the walls will be limed and at least the lime floor can wick sideways to the wall if necessary. Not sure if this a good premise]
Any advice gratefully received. I have trawled the internet but struggling with finding the right sites for advice. Many thanks, Spid
So, how do I lay flags on top of this concrete? Can I/should I use lime or is that silly? And if so how? Flags are 20mm thick so how think would the lime ?mortar? need to be? Mix it up with 3.5 NHL and sand? Ratios? etc. How big a gap do I leave between the flags? I've seen some pics with seeming huge gaps and some with very little. Which is preferable? The floor is a tad uneven - self levelling compound or level it with the lime? Also tile adhesive? Necessary? We are looking at electric UFH just to use to take the chill off the flags not to heat the room [keeping the main system].
[basically my idea of using lime is that the walls will be limed and at least the lime floor can wick sideways to the wall if necessary. Not sure if this a good premise]
Any advice gratefully received. I have trawled the internet but struggling with finding the right sites for advice. Many thanks, Spid