Miss Chaucer - house is in Surrey (my parents are the ones in Devon) and having now had a copy of the 'guarantee' and other paperwork through from the solicitors, the DPC was for 'rising damp' :roll: . We are buying the place as a long-term home rather than an investment and so I fully intend to rip out all the 'improvements' that have been made to the historic part of the house (modern kitchen and bathroom were put on the back in the 1970's). Will be interested to see if there is any penetrating damp issues underneath all the gubbins when we take the plaster off. We've decided not to bother paying for the transfer. Interestingly, the survey has a long bit on the DPC and that we should have the guarantee transferred and then later on recommends that we rip out the modern plaster when we get to that bit. Given what the surveyor said in person v what was in the report I imagine they have to cover themselves.
masochists-r-us - nice answers!
masochists-r-us - nice answers!