Having received a good old wrist slapping for ignoring the well intentioned advise of various members of the forum and going along with our builders advise, I wanted to throw something into the mix which I don’t think anyone here can ignore.
The number of people who are actually aware or care about what type of mortar there house is rendered, plastered or pointed with is miniscule, most people want a classy looking job done as quickly as possible for the least amount of money. I can drive through any number of towns anywhere in the country and see lots of very attractive well maintained period houses, the vast majority of them have been altered and maintained using all sorts of modern materials including cement. As an example, my uncle who has just retired after fifty years of running a medium size building firm specialising in barn conversions can count on one hand how many jobs they have used lime mortar. He is old school apprentice trained and received numerous awards over the years for quality work on thousands of public and private buildings. The point is that it is now realised that lime is far more suited to these type of buildings, but it does not alter the fact that 99% of all the work done in the last fifty years has been done with cement, and probably 98% of them are perfectly OK, if they were all falling apart because of the use of cement I’m sure there would have been a national crisis a long time ago. To say you would not trust any builder who mentioned cement around a period property is crazy, look at the regeneration of the hundreds of thousands of Victorian terraced houses which were all given grant aid to have new solid concrete floors put in and re pointing work and injected damp proof systems. I have lived in this type of property I have visited many of them, they are not damp, full of cracks and spalling stones and bricks, they are pleasant comfortable period homes. Of course some will go wrong and these are the ones you hear about on this site, but this is a tiny fraction of the millions of people living happily and in total ignorance of whether their house has been repaired with lime or cement.
In an ideal world every period home owner would have the knowledge and the means to use lime rather than cement, but the truth is most people don’t give a rats backside as long as the job gets done.
The number of people who are actually aware or care about what type of mortar there house is rendered, plastered or pointed with is miniscule, most people want a classy looking job done as quickly as possible for the least amount of money. I can drive through any number of towns anywhere in the country and see lots of very attractive well maintained period houses, the vast majority of them have been altered and maintained using all sorts of modern materials including cement. As an example, my uncle who has just retired after fifty years of running a medium size building firm specialising in barn conversions can count on one hand how many jobs they have used lime mortar. He is old school apprentice trained and received numerous awards over the years for quality work on thousands of public and private buildings. The point is that it is now realised that lime is far more suited to these type of buildings, but it does not alter the fact that 99% of all the work done in the last fifty years has been done with cement, and probably 98% of them are perfectly OK, if they were all falling apart because of the use of cement I’m sure there would have been a national crisis a long time ago. To say you would not trust any builder who mentioned cement around a period property is crazy, look at the regeneration of the hundreds of thousands of Victorian terraced houses which were all given grant aid to have new solid concrete floors put in and re pointing work and injected damp proof systems. I have lived in this type of property I have visited many of them, they are not damp, full of cracks and spalling stones and bricks, they are pleasant comfortable period homes. Of course some will go wrong and these are the ones you hear about on this site, but this is a tiny fraction of the millions of people living happily and in total ignorance of whether their house has been repaired with lime or cement.
In an ideal world every period home owner would have the knowledge and the means to use lime rather than cement, but the truth is most people don’t give a rats backside as long as the job gets done.