I’ve recently retrieved an old ‘L’ shaped corner bench seat from the loft that has probably been up there for at least 100 years or more. It comes in two pieces that join together with each leg of the ‘L’ being about 1350mm long. I think it has a solid pine frame and seat but the back is made of quite thin vertical pitch pine T&G panels nailed to horizontal supporting timbers. The problem is that it’s grubby beyond belief, quite grey and 'cooked mushroom' colour in places but caked in ground in dirt and dust that wont vacuum off some of which is probably slate dust. I tried wiping a small area with a wetted paper towel and the dirt that came off was coal black in colour. Other than that, the structure is quite sound.
Dose any body know the best way to clean it up without causing damage?
I’m tempted to take it outside and scrub it with warm water and washing up liquid and then hose the dirt off but perhaps this may cause warping? Would steam cleaning work or would that also cause the wood to warp. Perhaps there’s a chemical solution or spirit based cleaner that would work. Suggestions appreciated
Dose any body know the best way to clean it up without causing damage?
I’m tempted to take it outside and scrub it with warm water and washing up liquid and then hose the dirt off but perhaps this may cause warping? Would steam cleaning work or would that also cause the wood to warp. Perhaps there’s a chemical solution or spirit based cleaner that would work. Suggestions appreciated