Newbie here seeking advice please. We live in an old cottage (C.1750) that's timber framed, mostly wattle and daub with brick on the outside - the brick has a lower coating of blackjack (applied by a previous owner). Unfortunately a previous owner installed a tarmac style driveway resulting in the outside flooring level being a lot higher than the internal floor. Since we moved in we've had very high levels of humidity and damp on the ground floor walls and so are currently in the process of removing tarmac/soil and have dug deep enough to expose around 2-3 bricks below the blackjack where there is then another coarse of bricks that juts out slightly (possible foundation from when the bricks were added?). Hopefully this removal will help the walls to start to dry out, however my question is whether we eventually should be applying blackjack to the now exposed lower bricks or would this cause more problems and trap moisture in? Advice welcome please, thanks

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