Sorry Moo - it's totally off topic, but I just wanted to know.Moo said:Penners and GK -
What do those technical terms mean? Should I know about them?
Aaaah!Moo said:Yes thanks, wide awake. And cuddling my iMac.
I haven't got IE7 yet, but I understand that the tabs enable you to have several websites open at the same time, and just click from one to another.Nemesis said:Hmmm... suddenly noticed my homepage, which is Google, has 'tabs' on it... that feature wasn't there earlier... no idea what it actually does!
What is it about computers that makes people so superior about the software they use?NT said:The advantage with a tabbed brower is that when you fire it up, all your frequented sites come up in one go. No need to start each one by hand, no need to remember all the addresses or bookmark and navigate to each one, theyre just all there. Opera has had tabbed browsing for years. Its come a long way since that was introduced. I do wonder why folk use back of the queue browsers like IE.
Haven't got my thinking head on, today, Moo. In fact I've forgotten where I put it (or whether I ever had one).Moo said:Penners - nails and heads come to mind.
Moo said:Poor Penners. I'll try to explain, slowly and carefully.
Penners said:What is it about computers that makes people so superior about the software they use?
Nemesis said:GK - IE now has ver 7, which apparently makes it much better, apart from the fact the menu bar vanishes and you have to hit alt to use it