I would have said happy new year but now I won't cos I'm grumpy. Something stressful always happens in January to mess up our plans. Last year my badly fractured wrist put me out of action for weeks and now we've just heard that Mr Juju's late father's house has suffered a major burst pipe or tank or something. We had left the heating on so not sure what the cause was. Anyway, sounds like the place is in a disastrous way - most of the ceilings are down, water everywhere, etc etc. Luckily we had just about finished clearing the place out so no damage to treasured possessions or anything and the place is insured but it'll be months before it's sorted. We were all geared up to put it on the market next month.
Anyone else been through this - do insurers take months to sort things? It's 200 miles away too so that's an added complication although neighbours and a relative will help out. Oh and it's a 1980s bungalow so luckily no precious historic fabric to worry about!
Anyone else been through this - do insurers take months to sort things? It's 200 miles away too so that's an added complication although neighbours and a relative will help out. Oh and it's a 1980s bungalow so luckily no precious historic fabric to worry about!