The starting point is that there is NO legal distinction between any grade of listing, nor is there any distinction between external or internal work, including decorations or any object on the site that is "fixed to the land." What must be established in each case is whether any proposed ALTERATION (or demolition) work affects the character of the building. If so you need LB consent.
All you can get from any authority or EH is an opinion- NOT a legal requirement. However, the safe option is to take it as such rather than challenge it. Repair does not require LBC but some repairs may be considered (again, only an opinion) extensive enough to constitute an alteration. Authorities normally deal with all LBC applications for Grade II's themselves. EH does exercise additional control over Grade I and II* and over all demolitions. If you think you have a problem, consult a qualified expert, who can potentially save huge time and costs.
Conservation Architecture & Planning
All you can get from any authority or EH is an opinion- NOT a legal requirement. However, the safe option is to take it as such rather than challenge it. Repair does not require LBC but some repairs may be considered (again, only an opinion) extensive enough to constitute an alteration. Authorities normally deal with all LBC applications for Grade II's themselves. EH does exercise additional control over Grade I and II* and over all demolitions. If you think you have a problem, consult a qualified expert, who can potentially save huge time and costs.
Conservation Architecture & Planning