Other finds...
A selection of bones, yet to be identified, although part of a hip joint, potential pieces of large jaw, with a couple of teeth fragments still in place, sizeable rib pieces, and other leg bones.

What may be another clue, supportive of the cockfighting pit, is what could be a rooster talon/spur next to the small vertebrae...

Plus we have found a selection of styles and types of pottery, many differing glazes, what looks like a small square profile stone turning handle with some discolouration to one end, and three sea shells!

A selection of bones, yet to be identified, although part of a hip joint, potential pieces of large jaw, with a couple of teeth fragments still in place, sizeable rib pieces, and other leg bones.

What may be another clue, supportive of the cockfighting pit, is what could be a rooster talon/spur next to the small vertebrae...

Plus we have found a selection of styles and types of pottery, many differing glazes, what looks like a small square profile stone turning handle with some discolouration to one end, and three sea shells!