you know those extension leads that roll up into them selves , the kind that comes on a spool with the plug sockets in the middle ? mine just melted. :shock:
stupidly i left the thing spooled up and plugged an electric heater into it. i knew i could smell burning. so , if you have an extension lead that spools up un-spool it before you use it. apparently (i dont know the science behind it) electricity running through coils/loops creates heat and will melt the cables insulating. luckily my rcd snapped in and prevented the thing from catching fire.
stupidly i left the thing spooled up and plugged an electric heater into it. i knew i could smell burning. so , if you have an extension lead that spools up un-spool it before you use it. apparently (i dont know the science behind it) electricity running through coils/loops creates heat and will melt the cables insulating. luckily my rcd snapped in and prevented the thing from catching fire.