After a few cold nights a couple of weeks ago the condensation started streaming off our upstairs windows overnight and pooling at the bottom as it does every year about this time.
Our downstairs windows are secondary glazed and don't suffer the same problem, and despite being a five bedroom house, because of the way the 1st floor is divided into two parts it means the condensation is only really a problem on one upstairs landing and the two bedrooms and bathroom that come off it.
So, I have upgraded the bathroom extractor fan to one of these and set the timer to run on for half an hour after a shower.
And I have also bought an Ebac Homedry 12L dehumidifier which has now been running for 10 days in its Automatic "Smart High" mode just by the bathroom door, and is now extracting about 1 litre of water per day.
Last night, the first cold one in a while, the external temperature was down to about 3 degrees C and this morning in the bathroom (before any showers) the temperature was 19 degrees C, the RH was 51% and the condensation on the windows was bad enough to be dribbling down off the bottom of the glass again.
Which brings me to my questions to any of you who have dehumidifier experience, particularly with Ebac, and they are -
- What sort of level of RH% do I need to get down to so as not to get condensation pooling at the bottoms of windows with a 19C internal temperature and an external down to about zero?
- Should an Ebac on Smart mode eventually get down to whatever that required level is or should I be using the Boost mode?
- Does anybody know exactly what levels an Ebac Smart mode is detecting and more importantly what it is aiming for as a target?
Many thanks.
Our downstairs windows are secondary glazed and don't suffer the same problem, and despite being a five bedroom house, because of the way the 1st floor is divided into two parts it means the condensation is only really a problem on one upstairs landing and the two bedrooms and bathroom that come off it.
So, I have upgraded the bathroom extractor fan to one of these and set the timer to run on for half an hour after a shower.
And I have also bought an Ebac Homedry 12L dehumidifier which has now been running for 10 days in its Automatic "Smart High" mode just by the bathroom door, and is now extracting about 1 litre of water per day.
Last night, the first cold one in a while, the external temperature was down to about 3 degrees C and this morning in the bathroom (before any showers) the temperature was 19 degrees C, the RH was 51% and the condensation on the windows was bad enough to be dribbling down off the bottom of the glass again.
Which brings me to my questions to any of you who have dehumidifier experience, particularly with Ebac, and they are -
- What sort of level of RH% do I need to get down to so as not to get condensation pooling at the bottoms of windows with a 19C internal temperature and an external down to about zero?
- Should an Ebac on Smart mode eventually get down to whatever that required level is or should I be using the Boost mode?
- Does anybody know exactly what levels an Ebac Smart mode is detecting and more importantly what it is aiming for as a target?
Many thanks.