I really do think that everybody should stop responding to Phil/Joiner's outbursts. However polite people are, they only serve to fuel his anger and I fear that he may do himself an injury ere long.
Humour him, please, all of you. Admit that none of you has a clue about these things called sash pockets; agree that he is a superb craftsman; compliment him on his knowledge; ask for his advice.
I'm willing to bet that he knows about a lot more than just sash pockets, so we must do our best to soothe and welcome him as a potentially very useful contributor to the forum.
Well, I've spent quite a lot of today looking at sash windows in a grade 1 listed house - a very mixed bunch, with some oak.
Sooo... I'm waiting to see Phil's pics of his wonderful windows. Quite why he had to be so rude I have no idea. Seems uttely pointless to me. Hardly the way to win friends and influence people.