I've finally traced the last remnants of cat pee down to the brick on earth floor in the inglenook in the sitting-room and nothing is helping it.
Given that the floor is in a pretty bad way and that the cement edging is cracked to pieces, I decided to take the bricks up section by section, clear the earth back to the floor level (dirt floor an inch below the bricks in very good nick) and give the bricks a bit of a scrub.
Lots of photos taken so I can jigsaw them back later.
A fair number of the bricks are in enough pieces to resemble a mosaic rather than a brick, and now that I've take a few up, they are a complete mix of old and very modern - and it's the modern ones that are in the worse state.
Soooo, a few questions:
a) given that the cement edging is cracked into about 50 pieces and will need to be replaced, do you think it's fine that I am taking the bricks up, removing the earth and then relaying?
b) would it be counted as a repair if I replace the very broken bricks and/or replace the nasty modern ones (horrible colour) with some nice reclaimed or modern "old" bricks that are a better match for the original ones?
c) What earth do I use to refill? Doesn't strike me that John Innes No. 3 is quite right? :?:
d) Soaking the bricks has made them a bit too clean in places? Good recipes for olding up that won't smell awful? I was thinking a mix of ashes, soil and water and then a tiny bit of beeswax over the top at the end?
Fwiw, we have a woodburner, but it was an open fire until 2011. However, it's all brick, there is no hearthstone at all.

Given that the floor is in a pretty bad way and that the cement edging is cracked to pieces, I decided to take the bricks up section by section, clear the earth back to the floor level (dirt floor an inch below the bricks in very good nick) and give the bricks a bit of a scrub.
Lots of photos taken so I can jigsaw them back later.
A fair number of the bricks are in enough pieces to resemble a mosaic rather than a brick, and now that I've take a few up, they are a complete mix of old and very modern - and it's the modern ones that are in the worse state.
Soooo, a few questions:
a) given that the cement edging is cracked into about 50 pieces and will need to be replaced, do you think it's fine that I am taking the bricks up, removing the earth and then relaying?
b) would it be counted as a repair if I replace the very broken bricks and/or replace the nasty modern ones (horrible colour) with some nice reclaimed or modern "old" bricks that are a better match for the original ones?
c) What earth do I use to refill? Doesn't strike me that John Innes No. 3 is quite right? :?:
d) Soaking the bricks has made them a bit too clean in places? Good recipes for olding up that won't smell awful? I was thinking a mix of ashes, soil and water and then a tiny bit of beeswax over the top at the end?
Fwiw, we have a woodburner, but it was an open fire until 2011. However, it's all brick, there is no hearthstone at all.