And by the way, Gareth, I've just learned that there used to be an ancient house at the Duke St end of Muspole Street. The council wouldn't allow the family who needed to sell it to convert it into flats, and in the end bought it off them for a derisory sum. And then converted it into flats (destroying, I'm told, some seriously interesting architectural gems in the process).
Hi Moo,
They're programs that trawl the net for anything that looks like an E:mail address so anything with xxx@yyy or something similar is logged and then passed to the spammers, that's usually how you get unwanted sometimes not very nice mail.
ps. Another thing I learned a week or so ago is that hackers don't use their main computer for internet things - they keep an old one for that, just in case.
Microsoft is one of the worst spammers and I do not like that!
But I feel sorry for those nice 'Third World' ladies who cannot even afford any clothes, much . . . . . and have you seen what the poor things have to eat!!??