bower1 said:Something has got to be done about the traffic problem,
This is the sort of muddled thinking that leads to many really bad policies and laws. There is no 'got to be' about any of it, if we find a better system, great, if not we stay with the best we have.
and what are the alternatives? More roads, restricting car use (by rationing?), or increasing road tax or fuel costs. I like those a lot less.
how about none of the above, that sounds like the best option to me.
The reality is there are other solutions that have been proposed. One is a system of overhead rails with small automated passenger vehicles - theres a lot more to it but thats the basic idea.
Another one I personally like is gocart lanes with cars kept out by safety barriers. A gocart takes around 1/6th the road space of a car, and is far cheaper to put on the road and run. Because of its far lower inherent danger, much less need be spent on safety systems to get the same end level of safety. Etc etc.
If one thing is clear, what will work best is a mixed approach system with a number of options for travellers. The present car-centric system causes most of its problems by the failure to address this efectively.