We're about to swap our ok range-style cooker for our son's far superior one. (He's selling up and moving to Paris)
Having just pulled ours out to inspect its connections* we find that it has a bayonet type connector.
I maintain that disconnection will involve simply unplugging the electric and gas leads.
However, He Who Knows About These Things (B.Eng. and all that) has misgivings and wonders if we should call in a Corgi person. If not for the disconnection, then for the installation of the replacement cooker - just in case air in the system might cause an explosion.
Please tell us what to do.
* It has been standing there undisturbed gathering muck for over ten years. John was impressed by the adhesive properties of long-established grease.
Having just pulled ours out to inspect its connections* we find that it has a bayonet type connector.
I maintain that disconnection will involve simply unplugging the electric and gas leads.
However, He Who Knows About These Things (B.Eng. and all that) has misgivings and wonders if we should call in a Corgi person. If not for the disconnection, then for the installation of the replacement cooker - just in case air in the system might cause an explosion.
Please tell us what to do.
* It has been standing there undisturbed gathering muck for over ten years. John was impressed by the adhesive properties of long-established grease.