Still baffled for the volume of belated love that never translated into a preemptive listing order that may of acted as more of a deterrent to any bad actors when the building was still alive. I think the moral of the story is, if there is a wonderful, quirky or interesting building near you that the local community are especially fond of, then maybe enquire about getting it listed before it's too late.
On a completely unrelated, yet slightly related matter, I see the UK has now designated Wagner PMC as a terrorist organisation. Just in time.
And now the owners (at least I presume it's them, given that the reports refer to a 44 year old man and 34 year old woman which describes them perfectly) have been arrested.
The word "arrested" seems to have a different meaning nowadays. It used to be taken as being tantamount to the police having nabbed the culprits and locked them up in case they tried to escape. Now it just seems to be a routine procedure meaning nothing more than wanting to question someone who might have some useful evidence, but quite likely doesn't and is soon released.
We don't now hear of anyone being "asked to accompany the police to the station" to answer a few questions.