I think it is a brilliant idea, cannot see the roof from ground level anyway. It should apply to similar buldings -by law -
What i am baffled with is sky scrapers all over the world. Architects clad them in glass panels, intermediate level gardens and other mod-cons ( and they look quite nice too !) but still run cables and pipes for services. they should be erected only if energy self sufficient and any externall energy services banned . Wind , sun or rain working in combination should do the trick.
10 Downing St is having a rainwater harvesting system installed at the moment, although it has been delayed a little by archaeologists jumping into the hole every time a clay pipe is pulled out.
I, too, would have rainwater harvesting, plus the full works - solar panels, PV's, ground source heating, wind turbines - if I could dump the cost on the British public.
But no doubt our beloved PM will point to this as proof of his "green" credentials. :roll:
You can get grants towards all the features you've mentioned, apart from rainwater harvesting, through the Energy Saving Trust, and I believe pensioners are entitled to free cavity wall insulation and top-up lot insulation, all at the taxpayers' expense. That's on top of the extra winter fuel allowance :wink: