I'm shortly going to start work on our kitchen and dining room and hopefully make the thing work a bit better and look a little less rancid. The building itself is about 200 years old but was converted in the 20's and has had various bits of work done since so although there are some elements of it being a period property, it's more of an old evolved building than a period one.
Anyway, underneath the current hideous laminate flooring I'm pretty sure is a red painted (?) 1920's concrete floor. There's a small section of quarry tiles which are so small in area and so uneven that I'm planning on taking them out and expecting to reveal a similar concrete base.
I'm planning to put down oak flooring as the replacement as it seems to be not too out of place in the context of the house and generally fit in with what we're trying to achieve. The current concrete floor is quite uneven (not sure how bad yet) so may need some screeding first. I was then planning on putting a damp proof membrane onto the concrete, an 18mm layer of WBP plywood on top screwed down to the concrete, then secret nailing the oak boards on top (allowing expansion gaps, letting the wood acclimatise first etc). This method seems to be recommended in several places, along a similar one with battens instead of the plywood, although I'm worried that condensation on the cold floor underneath would warp the oak boards if I used battens.
Any thoughts/suggestions on my plans?
Anyway, underneath the current hideous laminate flooring I'm pretty sure is a red painted (?) 1920's concrete floor. There's a small section of quarry tiles which are so small in area and so uneven that I'm planning on taking them out and expecting to reveal a similar concrete base.
I'm planning to put down oak flooring as the replacement as it seems to be not too out of place in the context of the house and generally fit in with what we're trying to achieve. The current concrete floor is quite uneven (not sure how bad yet) so may need some screeding first. I was then planning on putting a damp proof membrane onto the concrete, an 18mm layer of WBP plywood on top screwed down to the concrete, then secret nailing the oak boards on top (allowing expansion gaps, letting the wood acclimatise first etc). This method seems to be recommended in several places, along a similar one with battens instead of the plywood, although I'm worried that condensation on the cold floor underneath would warp the oak boards if I used battens.
Any thoughts/suggestions on my plans?